I ordered a pair of these 180mm's around the end of February this year, had no problems with the delivery, arrived as usual. The disc rotors were true, needed no adjustment or truing. I had 160 mm Tektro disc rotors front and rear (i.e. what my MTB came with) before this and right after the install, I could feel the brakes grabbing better and it could lock my wheels way easier, faster and felt stronger. My sole reason I chose these over anything was because I liked the looks of it (which is subjective) and wanted a cheap but substantially better braking solution. So, I went with the rotor upgrade rather than a brake upgrade which is a hassle for me and it would have cost me well enough (I have Tektro HD-M275, I would like to go for Shimano M4100 or Deore M6100 in the near future). There were similar options ranging from Tektro to Shimano with little price difference but went with it (I don't have a scale, so I couldn't weigh it unfortunately). Lastly, for anyone upgrading from smaller rotor size to bigger size, well you will have to look for correct adapters, in my case it was Tektro A-11 front PM to PM adapter for the front and for rear, Tektro A-4 IS to PM adapter. (if you have 160 mm front and rear with PM or post mount in the front and IS at the rear, go for the adapters I used and please note that not all frames might accommodate the larger size rotor at the rear or accommodate the adapter itself, please do some research before the upgrade, thank you if you have read it all and have a nice day!)